Master Key Systems & Services

One Key to Protect Them All

Whether you’re choosing to use a key hierarchy throughout your team, or you need a single master key that allows access to every part of your facility, SLD has master key systems that will work perfectly for your business’ unique needs.

This way, you can either designate certain areas of your site that specific team members can access, as well as prevent all unauthorized access from unwanted visitors or team members without the proper levels of access.

How Do Master Key Systems Work?

Master keying is actually a term that’s used to describe mechanical locking systems that are used throughout your facility. It’s designed to group keys together that operate specific groups of locks, in relation to your custom key hierarchy.

Usually, this involves one key at the top tier, which will fit into most, if not all, of your master locks, as well as a large number of keys under it, which only fit into certain specified locks. Together, the key hierarchy provides or limits access to secured areas, depending on which key is being used

The Benefits of SLD’s Master Lock & Key Services

  • Versatility

    Master key systems are not limited to certain levels of mechanical security. It can be implemented in high-security, standard security, and low-security environments.

  • Total Key Control

    When most people envision high-security master key solutions, they’re thinking about key control. With SLD you can build your key hierarchy in whatever way you need.

  • Affordability

    Not every industry requires a high-security master key solution, which is why we offer a variety of price points to meet both your security needs and your budget.

  • Reliable Support

    Our team of experts will be there to support you from the moment you request a quote until long after installation is completed. We’ll provide as much support as is needed.

Preventative Maintenance is Key to Longevity

One of the best ways that SLD helps ensure the long-term functionality and ease-of-use for your keying systems is through the use of preventative maintenance. After all, having a master key for all locks doesn’t work, if the system isn’t functioning properly.

By taking the time to evaluate issues, before they impact functionality, as well as provide both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance (as needed), SLD can help make sure that your systems are always up and running, and that your facility is consistently protected against unauthorized access or attacks.

UL437 Rated Solutions

When most people think about high-security master lock and key systems, they’re actually envisioning their key control systems. True high-security systems are UL437 rated hardware, which is typically used in cases where it’s the organizational standard (i.e., education, government, or military applications).

The good news is that SLD offers a number of key control options that are available in standard security systems, so that you can enjoy the same level of key control as a high-security system, without necessarily needing to invest in high-security hardware.

Need a Master Key System or Key Services?

Get a Quote from SLD Today!